Tuesday, June 05, 2007


It ain't easy being new at a job. I alternately love it, get frustrated with not knowing everything, question my career move, and then love it again. Mostly I love it. Been learning a ton and am anxiously looking forward to the time when it's all 2nd nature. I can't believe that some company managed to get me, the wiggliest person I know, to sit in an office all day. On top of that, the day just flies by.

The poor cats are the ones negatively affected by this new state of things. I used to be around them 22-24 hours most days, and now..... not as much. Of course I'll get to randomly sprinkle in days when I get to work from home, and my mom comes over all the time to hang out with them, too, so that's good.

I'm also having to build an arsenal of professional work clothes. The last time I did that was over a decade ago! It's been fun.

Tomorrow night McHotterson and I are going on a date. Awwww yeah boyyyyeeeeeeeee!

OK, that's all. Shortandsweet.


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