Monday, June 18, 2007

Almost kinda famous

It's happened before that a casting agent wanted me to be an extra in a movie ~ never came to fruition, but it was flattering nonetheless. Last week I was approached and asked to be an extra in a murder mystery movie. I'll be in a crime scene where I will have zero lines. What I'd like to point out, though, is my extensive experience watching CSI:Miami. I'm sure this vast knowledge of crime scenes will lend to my brilliant acting as Girl #1 ~ an acting job done so brilliantly, in fact, that speaking wouldn't have even been necessary had I been given lines. Yeah, it'll be that brilliant!

Another highlight of this foray into film (yes, I'm exaggerating on purpose!) is that my handsome significant other was also asked to be in the movie. Now, he may not have as much CSI:Miami watching experience as I, but the amount of time he's devoted to Law & Order makes my crime scene knowledge pale in comparison (again, exaggerating on purpose ~ cuz we all know I can hold my own!). Anyway.... probably because he's such a good looking guy who exudes intelligence and maturity while commanding the respect of those around him is why he will not just be an average extra. Oh no, not him. He's going to be a Police Man Extra! He gets to wear a cop jacket and hat. While he will not have a speaking part either, I made sure to let the casting people know that he gets to give script approval for our scene. I'm not kidding~ I told them that! Hahahahaha! Of course when I said that, I was kidding.

So I'll keep ya posted about the movie. I don't see us moving to Hollywood quite yet...... OK, I don't see us moving there ever......!

Life is good. Keep on keepin on!

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