Sunday, April 01, 2007

Evolution of Dance

One of my favorite famous viral videos. I rediscovered it last night and showed it to Mark for the first time.

My allergies are SOOOOO bad right now! I've been coughing like an emphysema patient, which really grosses me out. Eeeewwy! Taking Claritin every 12 hours, but I don't like the way it makes me feel. My run was pretty weak yesterday~ ugh! Don't get me wrong, I still managed to get out there for 35 minutes, it just wasn't as strong as earlier in the week. Can't wait to be rid of these horrible allergies. (Hee hee~ side note: I had Mark convinced that I was allergic to him due to his horrible cigarette smoking habit. This became disproved one day when I went into a sneezing fit while talking to him on the phone.)

Can't wait to see Blades of Glory. Totally looking forward to that! Jon Heder's blonde curled hair makes me laugh without him even needing to say anything.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Alright, the kitten just dropped a stink bomb, one of her specialties, so now I'm forced to evacuate the area. Lates!

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