Sunday, April 01, 2007

Blades of Glory

I LOVED it! I loved every minute of the movie and I can't wait to see it again! Yes, Will Ferrell and Jon Heder were great, but Will Arnett and Amy Poehler added so much. It wasn't one of those movies that is funny at first and then drags and then is funny again. Nope, this one was entertaining all the way through.

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Plus, it's always so much fun to hang out with Gina and Kelsey~ I haven't done that enough now that we're living in the same city. We all saw it together, then grabbed overpriced drinks and appetizers at the Fox Grill (ew~ save your time and money and DON'T go there!). Having it be the 4 of us made it worth it, though.

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And now we're home..... catching up with some people on the phone, emailing, blogging and watching Bewitched. Lazy Sunday. Loved it!

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