Thursday, March 15, 2007

They had me at: Looks like an apple. Tastes like a grape.

I'm always surprised when I fall victim to someone's marketing. I mean, I've studied marketing for over 15 years and know what I'm doing, so when I buy something solely based on the marketing, I take note. This is the new item that totally got me yesterday: Grāpple.

The packaging:
Sweet Grāpple Brand
Say "Grape-L"™
"Looks like an apple. Tastes like a grape."™

So I bought a package of 4. They look like red apples, smell like grape juice, have the consistency of apples, taste mostly like apples and have a sweet concord grape after taste. Weird. They're good, but I'm not sure how I feel about this weird hybrid fruit (not that I'll let my package of 4 go to waste!). Let me know if any of you try them and what you think!

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