It's been almost exactly 2 weeks since Mark & I excitedly adopted our sweet Montreal kitty. (*BTW: we had a conversation about it, and just like we never call Cleveland anything other than Cleveland, Montreal, too, will not have a shortened nick name. Nope, she's definitely a Montreal. So far the only other name we call her is Montreal Mon Amie ~ which makes us both laugh.)
Anyway, every evening we all sit on the couch and she curls up between us, purring loudly from a position that has her body equally distributed on both of us. This comes only after she spends a couple hours terrorizing us, Cleveland, all her toys, things that aren't toys (placemats, iPod accessories, pens, etc), and especially, our shoe laces. Last Friday, we were doing our relaxing on the couch, wasting time before going out, when we both had to admit to ourselves and to each other that Montreal is not very smart. Being the proud parents that we are, admitting this did not come easy.
We probably each made this discovery within the first 24 hours of having her, but tried to blame it on "new surroundings" rather than "very limited mental capacity." She does things like: forgets where her food is, forgets where her water is, runs forward while looking to the side ~ therefore tripping on her litter box and falling into it..... Incidentally, it is at that point that she now knows (again) where her (stationary) litter box is. Oh boy. The good thing is that she hasn't had an accident yet and she also hasn't withered away to a malnourished, dehydrated ball of fur. I just have to show her a few times a day where these things are and remind her. I like to think that it's catching on.
What isn't catching on: that she has a name. We could call her anything and it wouldn't make a difference. She has no concept that she is named. We have as much success speaking to her as we do not speaking to her, in terms of getting her to 'come here' or whatever. We're not giving up, though.....
While there is no Sylvan Learning Center for Cats and Kittens, we'll do our best to keep her learnin' real good. Hahaha!
Here are some cute pics during her first week with us.... It might look like she's always with Mark, but that's because I'm camera happy.

Thanks for stoppin by!